Breakfast on the Hill

The Federation brings research results directly to the attention of parliamentarians and their staff, senior public servants and the media, to demonstrate the importance of social science and humanities research. The Federation’s Breakfasts on the Hill program fosters a broader understanding of the role of social science and humanities research in the development of public policy.

Begun in 1994, Breakfasts are held in the parliamentary restaurant. Seminars have focused on topics such as: violence, health care reform, the information highway, workplace transformation, biotechnologies, aboriginal issues and cultural policies. Topics are selected for their relevance and timeliness for the political and public service communities in Ottawa.

The Breakfasts on the Hill meetings involve a presentation of about 45 minutes followed by a question and discussion period lasting about 40 minutes. Most presentations can be made available to participants who would like to receive a printed copy. Reaction to this initiative has exceeded expectations in the sense that many participants have indicated that the topics and their timeliness, along with the meeting format, provide a forum for communicating research results and help them in getting to know those researchers who are active in the fields which have a bearing on the development of public policy.

Breakfasts on the Hill have also attracted significant media coverage thereby increasing the awareness of Canadians with respect to the importance of research and, indirectly, with respect to public funding of social sciences and humanities research in Canada.